Accounting System Selection At Major Government Department

Project goal
Manage the selection of an Accrual Accounting System for this major Government Department.
Project details
The client was required to move from the central Government accounting system to its own accrual based Accounting System. The first step in this process was to select an Accounting System from the Government shortlist.
The assignment was delivered over the following stages:
- Create a detailed Requirements Specification for the system
- Agree weightings for each bullet point of the specification
- Request a written submission from the suppliers on the shortlist which included Oracle, Computer Associates and Prophecy
- Organise a presentation day for the supplier and key staff to show how their system would meet the requirements on the specification
- Select the system to be implemented.
Project outcome
By the end of the assignment the client had been guided through the process of choosing an Accounting system for the implementation of its accounting requirements.