
Delivering Business Intelligence At A Major Wealth Manager

Wealth Management Image

Project goal

Implement cutting edge Business Intelligence at a newly established Wealth Management business within a major UK Bank.

Project details

The client required cutting edge Business Intelligence for its new Wealth Management business unit. Originally, the Business Intelligence application was to be fed by a single Wealth Management system. However, mid way through the implementation of the main system, several gaping holes had been identified and several additional applications were hurriedly developed to fill the gaps.

The consultant's role was to define a Project Turnaround Plan for the delivery of Business Intelligence. The end goals of the plan were the following:

  • Work with Management to revisit and refresh the Business Intelligence deliverables in terms of universes, reports, drill downs and charts  
  • Work with Tech teams to daily data feeds from all of the new systems into the Business Intelligence database
  • Reconcile the output reports and KPIs within the Business Objects universes back to source data
  • Manage a data cleansing programme to ensure the source systems delivered accurate data to the BI database
  • Create a Business Objects training course for users within the business

Project outcome

A cutting edge Business Intelligence solution was delivered and users were trained in how to use the key tool, Business Objects. This played a key role in the successful launch of the client's fledgling Wealth Management business.

Tools and Technologies

  • Business Intelligence
