Using Devops to Cut Deployment Times to Seconds From Tens Of Minutes

Project goal
Slash deployment times and deployment errors by migrating all Axco applications to a Continuous Integration process.
Project details
The client, a globally recognised name in the Insurance Industry, had a successful suite of products. However, the deployment of new releases was entirely manual and very time consuming as it involved many different individual steps. As a result there was a large potential for deployment errors.
The consultant's role was the following:
- Champion the use of Dev Ops technologies such as Octopus Deploy and Team City as a means of slashing deployment times and deployment errors
- Conceive of the project to migrate all Axco applications (approximately 30) to Continuous Integration and convince Management of the benefits
- Lead the project to migrate the applications to Continuous Integration using Octopus Deploy and TeamCity
- Design and implement an automated deployment process to Staging with approval gates in Production.
Project outcome
By the end of the project the client had drastically reduced deployment times and greatly improved confidence in its release quality.