
Adobe Firefly Insights From An Adobe Amateur


I have used Adobe Photoshop and other Adobe software for a while now, but I still feel that I am a complete amateur when using it. However, Adobe have given me access to Adobe Firefly, a Generative AI tool. This enables users, amongst other things, to type in text and have an image created for them. This is particularly interesting for me since, despite years of on and off effort, the results I get using Adobe software is poor.

The easiest way for me to use Generative AI is to use the Firefly website. The tool I used within that site was "text to image". The user simply types in some text and changes some settings such as style (photo, art etc), shape (square, portrait, landscape etc) and the image is generated for them.

After around 5 minutes of using the Firefly website I created an image that I was quite happy with, and was definitely something I could never have created by myself. The text that I finally settled on was "A dark haired young lady looking thoughtful with code coming out of her head and the code is morphing into a sports car".

Young lady creating sports car

Adobe are also embedding the same Generative AI technologies throughout their vast array of software products, including Photoshop, and have recently released Beta versions. I installed the Beta version of Photoshop but, as opposed to excellent results I got from the Firefly website, the results were less than impressive. I experimented with using text to image within a Photoshop file but it quickly used up most of the memory (32Gb) on my computer and grinding it to a halt. Also, the file that was created was 7Gb, which is huge. 

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