
how to add CORS to a dot net core web api



This article is part of a series. We are on the way to connecting an Angular 9 App with a DotNetCore Web API. However, if we don't have CORS in our API we will see something like the following:

If you have Googled your way to this article you will be seeing something similar. 

This article describes how to solve the problem.

add CORS package using Nuget Package Manager 

Right mouse click on the project root and select "Manage Nuget Packages". In the "Browse" Tab type in "aspnetcore.cors". Select "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors" and then click "Install".

edit Startup.cs

We will create a CORS policy called "OpenCORSPolicy". Like it's name suggests it's going to open up our API completely.

In "Startup.cs" add this line underneath the class statement:

readonly string CORSOpenPolicy = "OpenCORSPolicy";

Add this statement so that it is the first line of the "ConfigureServices" method:

services.AddCors(options =>
                options.AddPolicy(name: CORSOpenPolicy,
                                  builder =>

Add the following line into the "Configure" method between the "UseRouting" and "UseAuthorization" statements:





add CORS to the Controller classes

In each of the three controllers add the following line below the [ApiController] line:



We have added a very basic CORS policy to our Asp.Net Core Web API. If you got lost along the way, you can access the finished Git Repo here.

Next - Connect our DotNetCore Web API to our Angular App



At this point it's important to note that CORS is not security. In fact a CORS policy relaxes security, and as the name of the policy suggests we have created a very relaxed policy. We now have an API that can be called by any client and this is a security hole. You will need to tighten this when your project gets out into the wild, or anywhere near it, so if you need more information here it is



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