
Cloud Migrations

The cloud enables breakthroughs in performance and scalability, as well as Solution Architectures that are simply not possible with On-Premises infrastructure. We have experience in creating cloud-native applications, as well as experience in migrating traditional applications into cloud-native architectures and applications in the cloud.

Primarily we look to transform your existing applications into cloud-native applications. This helps maximise the benefits of the cloud. Kubernetes combined with KEDA scaling offers great potential for scalability and performance. However, sometimes the learning curve of Kubernetes can be daunting, and products such as Azure Container Apps offer an easy entry into creating cloud-native applications, without having to worry about the complexities of Kubernetes.

We can help you separate the business logic of your applications into micro-services connected together via massively scalable communications technologies such as Azure Service Bus, Event Hubs and Event Grid.

However, we also recognise that sometimes a pragmatic and phased approach is required in order to migrate to the cloud. We are also happy to assist you to plan a phased migration approach, in order to fit into enterprise time-scales and to make testing and go-live more manageable.

Finally, when deIivering solutions in the cloud, we work with clients to ensure that as many processes as possible are automated using DevOps, including the creation of applications, databases and the underlying messaging infrastructure.

How we can work together

What we can deliver together

Moving to the cloud brings opportunities for scalability, reliability and cost improvements.

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Scalable and Robust

Cloud infrastructure that can meet high demand periods and cope with regional outages.

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Cost improvements

Infrastructure that can meet peak demand but scale down when demand is low.

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Quality control

Our commitment to quality will ensure the cloud infrastructure and applications delivered are robust, maintainable and efficient.